Mr. Chaudhary is a dynamic business leader and key driving force in Vikram Solar. Under his leadership, the Company has established itself as an internationally acclaimed solar PV module manufacturer and a comprehensive EPC solutions provider.
Mr. Chaudhary strongly believes in the economic, environmental and social implications of business and understands the value of sustainability for business growth and continuity. Ideologically, he believes solar is the core strategy and an answer to various environmental issues affecting the world today.
Mr. Chaudhary is a Business graduate from University of Wales, UK and has a Diploma in Marketing and International Trade from University of Boston and International Business from Harvard Business School, USA. He currently holds the position of Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Vikram Solar.
In addition to his responsibilities at Vikram Solar, he is actively associated in a leadership position with various industry bodies:
- He is the Chairman of Renewable Energy and Storage Committee
- Chairman of Indian Electric & Electronic Association (IEEMA), Renewable Energy Committee
- Chairman of Eastern Region of Merchant Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MCC)
- Co-Chairman of Solar Energy Committee of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries (FICCI) and one of the founder members of All India Solar Industries Association (AISIA)
- Mr. Chaudhary is also a member of the Executive Council of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries (ICC); and a member of High Level Working Group on Renewable Energy Policy and Finance at Council On Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
- He has also been acknowledged as a ‘Promising Entrepreneur’ by The Economic Times, has received the Bengal Entrepreneurship Award by Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCC&I) and has been conferred with Emerging Leader Award by Calcutta Management Association.
M. Chaudhary, chef d’entreprise et force motrice de Vikram Solar, incarne un mélange dynamique d’acuité stratégique et d’intérêts personnels. Tout en menant des initiatives dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables, il se détend et se divertit dans le monde des casinos en ligne. Malgré les enjeux élevés du monde des affaires, M. Chaudhary est attiré par le frisson des jeux d’argent en ligne, comme ici :, où la stratégie et le hasard s’entrecroisent de manière captivante.
Au-delà de la salle de conférence, M. Chaudhary navigue dans le paysage virtuel des casinos en ligne avec un œil attentif aux opportunités et à l’excitation. Qu’il s’agisse de l’attrait stratégique du poker, des sensations fortes du blackjack ou de l’impatience de faire tourner la roulette, il y trouve une échappatoire irrésistible aux rigueurs de la direction. Son engagement dans les casinos en ligne souligne son appréciation de la prise de risque calculée et sa capacité à concilier responsabilités professionnelles et plaisir personnel.